Fresh or Salt? In St. Bernard Parish, You Won't Have to Choose
Southeast Louisiana offers a unique fishing experience where kayak anglers do not have to choose between pursuing fresh- or saltwater fish species.
Southeast Louisiana offers a unique fishing experience where kayak anglers do not have to choose between pursuing fresh- or saltwater fish species.
In St. Bernard Parish, surrounding marshes have become brackish, allowing fresh and saltwater species to thrive together.

Marsh fishing for bass.

Catch bass, drum and speckled trout.

Relax by the lake as you fish in freshwater.

Catch a delicious supper in the gulf's saltwater.
Following Hurricane Katrina’s massive flooding, new and fortified levees have lessened saltwater intrusion. Additionally, freshwater introduction from the Mississippi River has produced a unique fishery particularly beneficial to kayak anglers.
St. Bernard lies just a few miles south of New Orleans. Its unlimited miles of protected marshes allow kayak anglers to target freshwater species such as largemouth bass, bream, and catfish, as well as their saltwater cousins: speckled trout, redfish, flounder, sheepshead and black drum. The unique part? All these species are regularly caught in the same areas on a single trip.
As a result of freshwater introduction, aquatic vegetation has flourished. In addition to providing structure and cover for bait and young fish, the grass beds filter out the river’s silt and keep the water clear.
Bayou Bienvenue
In the Bayou Bienvenue marsh complex, bass have particularly flourished due to a Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries stocking program, which introduced 1,500 Florida strain bass fingerlings into the area.
Shell Beach, Hopedale and Delacroix Island
Find the historic fishing communities of Shell Beach, Hopedale, and Delacroix Island in the eastern end of the Parish. All offer great fishing and commercial marinas that are kayak friendly — especially Hopedale Marina, which has a floating kayak launch that makes getting launched and loaded quick and easy.
The fishing in each location is fantastic. Shell Beach offers direct access to the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO), a large shipping channel which provides great fishing along its rocky shoreline. It also serves as an entrance to a nearby shallow marsh.
Hopedale offers a short paddle to the MRGO and the large rock dam constructed post-Hurricane Katrina to close the channel. “The Dam” is a year-round hotspot. Nearby marshes across from the marina provide endless ponds and canals for kayak fishing.
Delacroix’s proximity to the Caernarvon Freshwater Diversion keeps it water fresh. Bass and freshwater catfish abound, but saltwater species like trout and reds are also abundant.
How to Catch Salt- and Freshwater Varieties
The good news is that there really isn’t a big learning curve. If you know how to catch bass, you can catch reds and trout — and vice versa. The same gear, lures and techniques work on all. In Louisiana, it’s not uncommon to catch a red on one cast, a bass on the next and a trout on the next.
Where to Stay in St. Bernard Parish
A wide variety of overnight accommodations are available, from hotels and campsites to cabins and RVs. The evergreen St. Bernard State Park is only a few miles from several popular fishing locations and offers tent, camper and RV camping.
While many anglers take pride in species-specific expertise, other anglers simply want to catch fish. Launch your kayak in the waters of St. Bernard Parish, cast your favorite lure, and revel at the smorgasbord of species that await.
Chris Holmes is an outdoor writer and avid kayak fisherman based in Chalmette, Louisiana. He is a field reporter for Louisiana Sportsman magazine.
Learn more about Louisiana fishing and fishing licenses through our Fishing Resources page.