Team & Leadership
The Louisiana Office of Tourism's mission is to promote the entire state of Louisiana and all of its unique qualities. Our attractions, restaurants, events and more are what make Louisiana so special. Look around and find out how we can help you make the best possible impression on our visitors.
Plans & Publications
Work Plan
The Louisiana Office of Tourism Work Plan includes an 18-month calendar of trade and media activities, available co-op programs, travel trends and additional resources.
International Market Update
Working with in-market international representatives, LOT releases international market updates each year on Louisiana’s key international markets.
Sunset Report
The Sunset Report is drafted at the conclusion of the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism’s Strategic Plan period as required by La. R.S. 49:190 et seq.
Strategic Plan
The official Strategic Plan of the Office of Tourism as an agency of the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism outlines key goals for increasing tourism and its impacts upon the state.
Fiscal Year Activities
Each year, the Louisiana Tourism Promotion District recaps its activities and finances of the fiscal year, including but not limited to agency goals, advertising programs, trade show attendance and sales missions.
Industry Newsletter
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