Cream Cheese Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding Recipe

Classic bread pudding with some tasty additions.

Cream Cheese Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding from the Little Big Cup in Arnaudville Louisiana

Cream Cheese Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding from the Little Big Cup in Arnaudville.

Try this deluxe version of bread pudding (you can't go wrong with extras like chocolate chips and cream cheese) from Little Big Cup in Arnaudville, Louisiana. This recipe is brought to you by Louisiana Kitchen and Culture Magazine.

Ingredients for Bread Pudding:

  • 6 large croissants  
  • 1 (10-ounce) package cream cheese, chilled 
  • ¾ cup chocolate morsels 
  • 6 large eggs 
  • 1 cup sugar 
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract  
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • ½ stick unsalted butter, melted 
  • 3 cups half-and-half 
  • Easy Vanilla Creme (recipe follows)  

Method of Preparation for Bread Pudding

Cut croissants into half-inch pieces; place in a large mixing bowl. Cube cold cream cheese into small pieces; place in bowl over croissants. Add chocolate morsels and toss well. Place mixture in a lightly greased 13x9-inch baking dish.

Combine eggs, sugar, vanilla, and salt in large mixing bowl; beat well with a whisk until pale. Whisk in butter in a slow and steady stream. Add half-and-half; whisk well. Evenly pour over croissant mixture. Cover with plastic wrap and chill at least one hour, but preferably overnight.

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Bake 50 to 60 minutes or until bread pudding is golden and set (it should have risen slightly). Let sit 10 minutes before slicing. Serve with Easy Vanilla Creme. Makes 8 servings.

Easy Vanilla Creme 

  • 1 (3-ounce) small package cream cheese, softened  
  • ¼ cup sugar 
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla 
  • ½ teaspoon salt 
  • 1 pint premium vanilla ice cream, melted 
  • 2 cups frozen whipped cream, thawed 

Method of Preparation for Vanilla Creme

Combine cream cheese, sugar, vanilla, and salt in a mixing bowl; whisk until smooth and sugar has dissolved. Add melted ice cream; whisk well. Gently fold in whipped cream. Chill at least one hour. 

Makes about 4 cups.

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