Sac a Lait Fishing in North Louisiana

Find Sac a lait, or slabs, from late January through spring. Learn how and where to catch them on one of Louisiana’s top lakes.

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In the spring, catch white perch on the gorgeous Lake D'Arbonne.

Slabs. From late January to spring, that word puts a gleam in the eye of fishermen who visit Lake D’Arbonne State Park at Farmerville in Union Parish.

“Slab” is a common term for the size of a fish known by several names around the region: white perch, crappie and sac a lait (sack-uh-ley). No matter what you call this tasty fish, there’s no better place to catch them than at Lake D'Arbonne. Located north of Monroe and east of Ruston, this lake is full of slabs, many becoming the trophies of the crappie class.

Where to Fish

In the spring, white perch migrate into shallower water to spawn. Fishing is best around the shoreline, cypress tree flats, boat docks and piers or shallow ridges out in the lake. The key to finding slab is fishing in water from 4-7 feet deep. Keep your lure 2-5 feet deep. When you catch one, work that area well. There is usually more than one in a spot.

What Bait to Use

The best artificial baits are small hair jigs and spinners (in colors like white, chartreuse or smoke). You can’t beat live shiners, either. Here's a special tip: Put a white or chartreuse glitter “Crappie Bite” on your hook for extra action!

The wind can be challenging in the spring, but the good news is there are several modern public boat launches where you can rest until you find calm water. The lake has many stumps, so make sure you stay in boat channels when fishing.

Lake D’Arbonne State Park Amenities

Lake D’Arbonne State Park is also a bonus treasure in the area with cabins, camping spots, hiking trails, fishing piers and a nature center that can turn your white perch fishing trip into a fun time for the whole family. You can even catch white perch from one of their fishing piers.

Check the Union Parish Tourist Commission site for details about the area. You can also get daily updates from around the lake on

Kinny Haddox is an avid outdoorsman and writer from West Monroe, Louisiana. He is the publisher of and a feature writer for Louisiana Sportsman magazine.

Learn more about Louisiana fishing and fishing licenses through our Fishing Resources page.