Churchill's Premium Cigars & Elixirs
Baton Rouge's largest selection of fine wines, cigars and liquors. Featuring a store in front to purchase, and lounges in the back to indulge.
Let the hours melt away with one of our premium cigars. Our selection includes brands like Davidoff, Drew Estates, Rocky Patel, Montecristo, Cohiba, Fuentes and many more. Make the moment or the meal even better with a bottle of wine or Champagne from our exclusive wine cellar including wineries such Ruinart, Spottswood, Cakebread, Ken Wright, JJ Prum, Chateau de Pez, and Frescobaldi and many others.
Our selection of bourbons includes everyday favorites such as Makers Mark, Woodford Reserve, and Knob Creek as well as more eclectic selections such as Highwest, Redemption, and Amador. We also feature premium scotches such as Macallan, Caol Ila, Johnny Walker, and Bruichladdich.
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