Le Vieux Presbytere


205 Rue Iry Lejeune
Church Point LA 70525

That stately building, built in 1887, that housed the town's priests for one hundred years. Now the ancient structure, carefully restored to its original configuration, serves as Church Point's museum. The 40 by 40 feet building is surrounded on all sides by a wide and comfortable porch and has walls constructed of bousillage, a filling of clay mixed with Spanish moss. Le Vieux Presbytère Museum tells the story of Church Point, a predominantly Cajun community on the prairies of Acadia Parish. 

Displays from the community's civic, economic and social institutions form a large part of the museum. Mementos of early landmark businesses, schools, politics, and organizations are well represented. Notable displays include the original 1927 stage curtain from Church Point High School, with its listing of businesses on it, and biographies of local leaders. The museum displays period costumes, toys, household implements, and other fascinating artifacts.

