African American Heritage Trail.

African American Heritage Trail: Call for Submissions

Nominate a site for the Louisiana African American Heritage Trail

The revitalized Louisiana African American Heritage Trail will celebrate the cultural contributions Louisiana African Americans have made in the state and nation. It will be an acknowledgment of just how much Louisiana – the world – owes to African Americans who, for three centuries, have influenced and innovated in the disciplines of literature, music, dance, art, science, math, architecture, agriculture, economics, medicine and food.

The Louisiana African American Heritage Trail is not a history lesson, nor does it serve to focus on the “oldest,” the “only,” or the “firsts” throughout history—unless the submission is recognized or made an impact on the statewide or national level.

The trail will bring to life stories that have enriched our state’s culture, identity and global influence. Visitors from out of state and around the world will be inspired, entertained, and filled with pride. There’s no end to what we may discover with your help.


  • Sites, individuals, organizations, or events must be significant and recognized on a regional, national and or international level and have historical documentation (written, photography, videos, news articles, etc.)
  • It is preferred but not required that sites are accessible to view as a tourist attraction, offer interpretation or self-guided tours, and adhere to regular posted hours.
  • It is preferred but not required that submissions have a website and promotional materials used to promote the site as a tourist attraction.

Already listed sites must meet the criteria and must complete this form to update your listing or it may be eliminated.

Make a Nomination

The revitalized Louisiana African American Heritage Trail will celebrate the cultural contributions Louisiana African Americans have made in the state and nation. Nominate a site, person, event or organization today!